Filtering by: Webinar

Webinar: Understanding and Mastering Communication Styles
9:00 AM09:00

Webinar: Understanding and Mastering Communication Styles


We are each wired with a very unique style of communicating and collaborating with others. Learning more about individual DISC styles helps employees discover their unique style of communication and ways to maximize it. 
In this session, we dig deeper into the 4 DISC styles and ways to leverage your own style to improve your ability to relate to, connect with and build better relationships with others. Attendees learn how to master their strengths when interacting with others and flex when necessary while communicating and collaborating.

Key Learning Points
Get an overview of the four communication styles
Learn tips to relate to others in a way that speaks to their primary communication style
Gain effective communication strategies to help minimize conflicts, improve morale, and build cohesion


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Webinar: Speaking with Unshakeable Confidence
10:00 AM10:00

Webinar: Speaking with Unshakeable Confidence


Many women unknowingly stunt their career and professional relationships by holding back their ideas, opinions, questions and knowledge.  

  • Want to share an idea, but are afraid it will be rejected?

  • Have a conversation you want to initiate but fear the consequences?

What if you could do all of these things, with decreased levels of worry, anxiety, and fear? During this webinar you’ll learn ways to enhance your confidence level when it comes to speaking whether you’re addressing an audience of 1 or 100.  We’ll cover techniques to help you to speak with a more confident, calm and controlled voice even in the most stressful situations.

 We’ll cover:

  • Research and insights gathered from Verbal Courage’s survey specific to speaking up in the workplace

  • The top challenges women face when speaking up and how to overcome them

  • Tools and processes to help you unleash your vocal power 


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REPEAT Webinar: Conveying Executive Presence
3:30 PM15:30

REPEAT Webinar: Conveying Executive Presence

Executive presence is a skill that everyone can benefit from regardless of their rank within their company. During this webinar we’ll cover:

·     What executive presence is

·     The biggest barriers to achieving it and ways to overcome them

·     Tools & tips to influence, inspire and empower those you work with

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Webinar: Unconscious Bias - What It Means to Women Leaders
9:30 AM09:30

Webinar: Unconscious Bias - What It Means to Women Leaders


The truth is that human beings are hardwired to make assumptions about people
and the environment; it’s an evolutionary survival skill. But what served us well as hunter-gatherers can be extremely damaging in a modern and diverse environment, such as the workplace. Left unchecked, biases affect everything from collaboration, to innovation, to engagement and retention. They are often the hidden reason a company culture never reaches its full potential.

In this session, you’ll learn how to recognize and overcome the unconscious bias that is an
ingrained part of everyone’s decision-making process. By raising awareness around commonly held workplace biases and situations that tend to increase bias tendencies, women leaders will learn to make better decisions based on what they know, rather than what they feel. The results of this simple change are truly transformative.

Key Learning Points
How and why unconscious bias exists in our brain
Communication tactics that lessen the potential for bias
Methods to reduce bias in everyday work interactions


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Overview of the Thrive Assessment & Goal Setting
11:30 AM11:30

Overview of the Thrive Assessment & Goal Setting

For June 2019 new members or anyone who wants a refresher - It's time to learn how our Thrive Assessment works and how you can move closer to thriving this year and to set some goals for the year. 

Join us for this webinar and we'll show you everything you need to know about the origin of the Thrive Assessment, why it's important to take and how the results can inspire you on your journey to thrive.  Plus, we'll talk goals and share some tips on setting goals that can move you closer to a career (and life!) that thrives.

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Webinar: The Empowered Communicator
9:00 AM09:00

Webinar: The Empowered Communicator


Public speaking shouldn’t be scary, yet why do so many of us dread it? It can be nerve wracking preparing for and giving presentations. Even the most confident people find they get nervous or flustered sometimes. 

Join us for The Empowered Communicator webinar that works its way from head-to-toe, exploring how our mind, body and words can be powerful tools when presenting. Most importantly, you’ll learn lessons and applicable tips on curbing nervousness, mastering body language, and how to prepare and deliver a presentation with greater ease. 

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Webinar: Becoming a Person of Influence
10:00 AM10:00

Webinar: Becoming a Person of Influence

Influence is all about who you are as a person and how you treat those around you. People can be influenced by all kinds of traits and personalities, but a true person of influence does so by meeting the needs of those people around them. In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How people of influence can change other people;

  • The definition of influence and how it shows up in leaders

  • The 4 Levels of Influence and how to impact others around you


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Webinar: Embracing The Art of Self-Care
11:00 AM11:00

Webinar: Embracing The Art of Self-Care


Self-care is a dream most women have, and yet very few claim to experience it whether it’s going to the gym, nights out with girlfriends, or even finding 5-minutes to soak in a tub. Many women will state, with the demands of their boss, role, aging parents, children, and the list goes on, having anything resembling time for self-care is impossible. Most of these women live each day, surviving, just getting by to the next day.

Science tells us, and within all of us, we know, surrendering to this busy and stress inducing way of life is problematic, at first to our happiness and later, potentially to our health.

During this talk you'll learn:

  • The 5-pillars of self-care and manageable action steps to fulfill them.

  • The top 3 REAL reasons why working women lack self-care and how to overcome them.

  • A fun, exercise to bring more self-care into your life immediately without additional feelings of stress or guilt.


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Overview of the Thrive Assessment & Goal Setting
8:30 AM08:30

Overview of the Thrive Assessment & Goal Setting

It's time to learn how out Thrive Assessment works and how you can move closer to thriving this year. Join us for this webinar and we'll show you everything you need to know about the origin of the Thrive Assessment, why it's important to take and how the results can inspire you on your journey to thrive.  Plus we'll talk goals and share some tips on setting goals that can move you closer to a career (and life!) that thrives. 


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Webinar: Rising Tide - Harnessing the Power of Community & Mentorship
8:00 AM08:00

Webinar: Rising Tide - Harnessing the Power of Community & Mentorship

Join Cecilia Gorman on Thursday, May 3rd for our 4th quarter webinar called, Rising Tide - Harnessing the Power of Community and Mentorship Among Women.

Cecilia will share a lesson on how best to create, cultivate and maintain successful relationships with other women to help grow your personal and professional life. 


Conducted via WebinarJam, sign up for access link

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Webinar: Hear Me Roar
10:00 AM10:00

Webinar: Hear Me Roar

Join us for the webinar Hear Me Roar – How to Effectively Stand up, Speak up, & Make an impact. We’ll explore research and insights around how and why women hold back vocally at work, and discuss the consequences of it. You'll leave with a deeper understanding of your voice, what's holding you back, and tools and processes to shift you into a higher level of vocal confidence. 

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