speaking up

Power Call: 5 Things to Know About Standing Up for Yourself

Power Call: 5 Things to Know About Standing Up for Yourself

This is the archive for our Power Call called 5 Things to Know About Standing Up For Yourself. This session, lead by Empowership Co-Founder, Chelsea Szabo is designed to help you learn essential steps you can take to confidently advocate for your opinions, feelings and ideas. You’ll learn what standing up for yourself means, core blocks and tips & tools to help you overcome them.

Power Call: 5 Things to Know About Presenting

Power Call: 5 Things to Know About Presenting

This is the archive for our Power Call called 5 Things to Know About Presenting. Whether you are presenting 1-on-1 , in a meeting, as part of a presentation or pitch, or speaking in front of a large audience, it can be intimidating. This call provides 5 things to think about when approaching your next presentation, and gives you instant tips to use at work starting today.

Susie Lim on Speaking Up

Susie Lim on Speaking Up

This is the archive recording for our Women of Wisdom call with Susie Lim.

Susie talked about speaking up and working through the challenges of finding your confidence and courage to make sure you are heard. She distinguished between confidence (inner knowledge, subject matter expertise) and courage (the words that come out of your mouth).

We talked about what's been tough for her as a woman rising through the ranks in a creative department, and other insights about how she's navigated her career making sure she's spoken up firm and confident when needed.

Webinar: Hear Me Roar – How to Effectively Stand up, Speak up, & Make an Impact

Webinar: Hear Me Roar – How to Effectively Stand up, Speak up, & Make an Impact

This is the archive recording of our webinar Hear Me Roar: Stand up, Speak Up & Make an Impact. During this call we went deep into why and when women hold back vocally at work, and discussed the consequences of it. After listening, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of your voice, what's holding you back, and tools to shift into a higher level of vocal confidence, regardless who you're speaking to.