Communication Powerhouse: 4 Essential (& Less Talked About) Skills

Whether negotiating a promotion, leading a team, or navigating challenging conversations, you'll emerge from this session better equipped to communicate in the workplace.

In this call, Cecilia will delve into:

✅ 4 Essential Skills that Help Promote Effective Communication

✅ How Relationships, Time & Trust Play Into Communication

✅ The Equal Importance of How You Receive Others’ Communication


Additional Resources Coming Soon

"Thanks for the Feedback" by Douglas Stone and Sheila Heen (2014) dives into the importance of feedback, and specifically, how to receive it effectively. The book highlights the challenges of receiving criticism, even when we want to improve.

"The Confidence Code for Women Leaders" by TED Talks Daily (March 2024): This podcast episode features social psychologist Claire Shipman discussing confidence and communication for women in leadership roles The Confidence Code for Women Leaders by TED Talks Daily.

"5 Powerful Strategies To Build Trust In The Workplace" by Forbes (April 2024): This article discusses how trust in the workplace leads to a positive and productive environment where employees feel valued and respected. This can be achieved by building authentic connections, actively listening to colleagues, and encouraging transparency from leadership.

"Communication Is at the Heart of Positive Employee Relationships" by MIT Sloan Management Review (June 2023): This articles talk about how effective communication is essential for building positive relationships with employees. Employers should communicate openly and honestly with staff throughout the hiring process, including providing clear expectations and offering feedback. Open communication is also important for maintaining a positive work environment.