personal brand

Daring to Lead: Interview with Susie Lim, GCD WundermanThompson

Brené Brown shares her candid and powerful perspective on leadership in her book, Dare to Lead.

In this session, Cecilia interviewed an advertising creative veteran on her steady rise up the ranks. They used Brené's book as a framework for the discussion and revealed Susie's insights and tips that relate to the Dare to Lead message and uncover how Susie boosted her leadership impact and overcame challenges along the way.

Teaching Points:

✅ Daring Leadership and Vulnerability
✅ The Risk of Emotional Exposure
✅ Where Leadership Needs Us to be Most Courageous

Success with Less Struggle with Meta's Neisha Tweed Bell

As Meta's Global Head of Inclusive Content and Experiences, Neisha Tweed Bell has achieved an enviable level of career success. Her accolade list is long - She’s been named a Woke Woman by Essence magazine, a Next Creative Leader by The One Club, and an ADCOLOR Leader - her rise up in the advertising industry is impressive.
During this session, Cecilia Gorman, co-founder of Empowership, interviewed Neisha not just about her success, but also about her struggles along the way. You’ll hear Neisha's definition of success and she'll take us through key career struggles that she faced and overcame. 

You’ll hear from Neisha about:

✅ Crafting a Personal Vision of Success
✅ What Struggle Does for Us and our Careers
✅ Tips to Help Us Rise Above Struggles at Work

How Women Rise: Breaking The Habits That Hold You Back at Work

Cecilia will be teaching core lessons from the book , How Women Rise by Sally Helgesen and Marshell Goldsmith.

Together, we'll explore - Breaking The Habits That Hold You Back at Work.

Helgesen and Goldsmith developed a list of 12 habits that hold women back in their careers and in leadership roles, along with solutions to combat these unhelpful habits. In their climb to achieve professional success and establish their own worth in the workplace, women have been found to develop some habits that are preventing them from further strengthening their leadership skills.

On our training call, we'll dig into 3 habits and provide insights and tools to overcome them.

  1. Expecting others to notice and reward your work

  2. The Perfectionism Trap

  3. Minimizing (Physically & Verbally)


Pop-Up Call: Getting the Most Out of LinkedIn

This is the archived call for our Pop-Up on Getting the Most Out of LinkedIn. We covered how to craft a strong headline, what to incorporate in a more powerful bio and adding depth to your profile using the accomplishments section.

Pop-Up: Rethinking Negotiation - Using Self-Awareness and Empathy to Get What You Want

Pop-Up: Rethinking Negotiation - Using Self-Awareness and Empathy to Get What You Want

In this one-hour webinar, Stephanie will walk us through a reimagined negotiation process. She’ll share a powerful model and tools for negotiating incollaboration with others. Although seemingly paradoxical, she’ll show us that by more effectively strengthening our capacity for of self-awareness and empathy, we are more likely to get what we want without the price of uncomfortable conflict. What’s more, in adopting this new way of negotiating both personally and professionally, we greatly enhance the quality of the important relationships in our lives.