New Manager Boot Camp Week 2 Call

New Manager Boot Camp Week 2 Call

This is the Week 2 archived call for Manager Boot Camp. On this call, you’ll hear a lesson about why it’s critical to self-promote (and what that term really means). Plus, we talk about office politics and how you can be strategic and intentional to play the “politics” game in a way that works in your favor.

Global Call: Own-HER-Ship! A Woman's Guide to Owning Her Career Growth & Results

Global Call: Own-HER-Ship!  A Woman's Guide to Owning Her Career Growth & Results

This is the archive call for our Global Call, Own-Her-Ship! A Women’s Guide to Owning Her Career Growth and Results. On this call, we shared how you can take more ownership over your career, better promote yourself and your achievements, and continue moving forward.

We dug deep on 3 key aspects of career growth, such as maintaining stellar performance, continuous learning, and purposeful networking. Download the handout to help work through the lessons we covered.

Pop-Up Call: Unlock the Power Of Your Voice with Heather Lyle

Pop-Up Call: Unlock the Power Of Your Voice with Heather Lyle

You’ll learn:

  • Why and how the voice shuts down on a biological level

  • Vocal exercises to overcome the unconscious (and limiting) reactions of the “fight or flight” response on the voice. 

  • Insights and exercises to strengthen your voice through breath-work

Webinar: Thrive Assessment & Goal Setting

Webinar: Thrive Assessment & Goal Setting

This is the archive for the Thrive Assessment & Goal Setting webinar. We shared everything you need to know about the origin of the Thrive Assessment, how to access it, why it's important to take and how the results can inspire you on your journey to thrive.  Plus we talked goals and shared some tips on setting goals that can move you closer to a career (and life!) that thrives.