Based on your score, you may not be active in allyship just yet. Now is the time! Not everyone starts off in full agreement with the cause or knows how best to contribute as an ally. Perhaps you haven’t had the time or don‘t even know how to show up as a better supporter of underrepresented employees.
When you acknowledge the importance of your contribution as an ally, those around you can see an example of someone who’s committed to learning more and taking the first step towards allyship.
By trying out this allyship tool,, learning more, and finding ways to take action, you're contributing to a work environment that can feel both supportive and safe for all employees.
Overall, you’re on the sidelines in your Allyship. Perhaps this is because it hasn’t been a priority for you yet or it feels like just another corporate initiative that won’t change anything. If you see someone being marginalized, biased against or excluded, you may not notice it, hesitate to act, or shy away from speaking up.
Everyone needs to start somewhere on the road to better allyship. Based on your score, you're capable of doing more.
Points to Consider:
Spend a few minutes thinking about why allyship is important in the workplace. Are there underrepresented groups at your office? Do you recognize where biases are showing up? Are there places in your company that can be better with inclusivity? Thinking through the “why” around allyship can help to build your foundation in taking your own steps toward allyship and why it is so critical.
Remember, your progress is powerful. Allyship is a continual and never-ending effort. Even the smallest of steps helps. Don't feel ashamed or guilty if you haven’t been aware of how to have the most impact as an ally. Everyone’s effort to be a better ally is worth praising. When they see you as an emerging ally in action, your coworkers may be more willing and able to take their own first steps.
Today and every day, commit to at least one act of allyship. You can continue growing as an ally by staying intentional, keeping your eyes open to what's happening around you, and stepping into action daily. See our list of examples of allyship actions and activities here:
When everyone in our workplace increases their knowledge and understanding around what it takes to be a better ally, we can all collectively contribute to a more inclusive environment.