You're a Growing Ally Overview

Based on your score, you are primed to strengthen your allyship. Kudos to you! Allyship is important to you, though you may need more ideas on how to show your support and have a greater impact.

You may be currently acting as an ally to individuals. Extending deeper into your allyship and broadening it to entire groups can lead to a larger, more lasting impact.

By acknowledging you can take steps to broaden the scale of your allyship, those around you can see an example of someone who’s committed to allyship and intentional about their actions.

Through all of your efforts, you'll be contributing to a work environment that can feel both inclusive and safe for all employees. It’s helpful to remember that your steps toward allyship can vary in scope and impact over time, with different people or in different situations – it’s not a level you reach, it’s an intentional set of actions.

Overall, you are growing in your Allyship. Perhaps you want to do and say more of the right things, yet don’t know what may be most impactful or helpful. If something doesn’t sound right, you are more likely to notice it or help someone individually than speak up for a company-wide change. If you see someone being marginalized, biased against or excluded, you may support the person in a more private than public way.

Everyone has room to build their skills when it comes to better allyship. Based on your score, you're ready to do just that.

Points to Consider:

Spend a few minutes thinking about why allyship is important to you. Where do you currently show up as an ally? Did you recognize any times when you hesitate being someone's ally? Knowing your “why” around allyship will help strengthen your efforts for a greater impact.

Begin thinking about ways to have a broader impact. Oftentimes we show support for one individual neglecting to think about the entire group. For example, if a colleague is being interrupted, call it out and suggest a meeting protocol that allots fair speaking time to everyone. Allyship is a continual and never-ending effort. Every time we can leverage our actions to have greater impact, allyship grows.

Today and every day, commit to at least one act of allyship. You can continue growing as an ally by staying intentional, keeping your eyes open to what's happening around you, and stepping into action daily. See our list of examples of allyship actions and activities here:

When everyone in our workplace increases their knowledge and understanding around what it takes to be a better ally, we can all collectively contribute to a more inclusive environment.

Read about other Allyship levels here.