Embracing The Art of Self-Care

Embracing The Art of Self-Care

During this talk you'll learn:

  • The 5-pillars of self-care and manageable action steps to fulfill them.

  • The top 3 REAL reasons why working women lack self-care and how to overcome them.

  • A fun, exercise to bring more self-care into your life immediately without additional feelings of stress or guilt.

Webinar: Rising Tide - Harnessing the Power of Community and Mentorship

Webinar: Rising Tide - Harnessing the Power of Community and Mentorship

This is the archive for our webinar on The Rising Tide: Harnessing the Power of Community and Mentorship. Mentorship matters on so many levels, and especially for working women. In this webinar, we covered the importance of having not only work mentors, but mentors from every aspect of your life: health, finances, spiritual, relationships, and family. Plus, we shared 4 tips to make the most of finding and nurturing mentor relationships.

*this archive video was re-recorded at a later date without a guest speaker

Webinar: Forget Work/Life Balance, Let's Talk Harmony

Webinar: Forget Work/Life Balance, Let's Talk Harmony

This is the archive video for our webinar on Forget Work/Life Balance, Let's Talk Harmony. We had a great conversation with Angela Zepeda, SVP,  Business Development from Innocean, and Jaclyn Ruelle, SVP, Account Director from MullenLowe US. We talked balance vs harmony, and ways we can create and preserve it in a crazy busy world. 

Empowership Live: Reshaping Personal Goal Setting Workshop

Empowership Live: Reshaping Personal Goal Setting Workshop

This is a recording of our live interactive workshop lead by the Co-Founders of Empowership, Chelsea Szabo & Cecilia Gorman, to transform how you create, keep and achieve personal goals, and do it in a way that manifests energy and excitement.

Webinar: Hear Me Roar – How to Effectively Stand up, Speak up, & Make an Impact

Webinar: Hear Me Roar – How to Effectively Stand up, Speak up, & Make an Impact

This is the archive recording of our webinar Hear Me Roar: Stand up, Speak Up & Make an Impact. During this call we went deep into why and when women hold back vocally at work, and discussed the consequences of it. After listening, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of your voice, what's holding you back, and tools to shift into a higher level of vocal confidence, regardless who you're speaking to.

Webinar: The Empowership Journey - Take Your Career to Thriving

Webinar: The Empowership Journey - Take Your Career to Thriving

This is the archive recording of our webinar The Empowership Journey - Take Your Career to Thriving. Are you ready to take your career to the next level and reach a stronger feeling of professional fulfillment? During this webinar, we covered the core components women need in order to experience success and satisfaction in the workplace.