Women of Wisdom: Assertive vs. Aggressive with Freddie Georges

This is the archived call for our Woman of Wisdom call with CEO, Freddie Georges on Assertive vs. Aggressive. We covered the difference between the two, what to do when someone is being aggressive towards you and how to maintain your position and confidence without becoming aggressive.

Pop-Up Call: Getting the Most Out of LinkedIn

This is the archived call for our Pop-Up on Getting the Most Out of LinkedIn. We covered how to craft a strong headline, what to incorporate in a more powerful bio and adding depth to your profile using the accomplishments section.

Power Call: 5 Things to Know About Presenting

Power Call: 5 Things to Know About Presenting

This is the archive for our Power Call called 5 Things to Know About Presenting. Whether you are presenting 1-on-1 , in a meeting, as part of a presentation or pitch, or speaking in front of a large audience, it can be intimidating. This call provides 5 things to think about when approaching your next presentation, and gives you instant tips to use at work starting today.

Pop-Up Call: Astrological Impacts In The Workplace

Pop-Up Call: Astrological Impacts In The Workplace

On this call you’ll:

  • Learn the connection between workplace behaviors and astrology signs.

  • Gain tips to strengthen communication and connection among your colleagues

  • Understand what is important for each of the 12 zodiac signs and know how to bring out the best in them.

New Manager Boot Camp Week 4 Call

New Manager Boot Camp Week 4 Call

This is the archived call for week 4 of Manager Boot Camp. This week we talked about the final part of Emotional Intelligence that is taught in this course - self-control. Plus, we covered the importance of crafting a leadership legacy starting with identifying your core values as a manager. Finally, we shared the importance of making learning a priority and ways to do that with greater ease.

New Manager Boot Camp Week 3 Call

New Manager Boot Camp Week 3 Call

This is the Week 3 archived call for Manager Boot Camp. On this call, you’ll hear an overview of the components of giving and receiving feedback. Learning how to approach and navigate feedback conversations is an essential skill for managers and we cover exactly why in this call.