Ditching the Need to Please at Work

Is your workload unmanageable because you keep saying "yes"?
Do you lack "me time" because you're always giving time to everyone else?
Does "I'm sorry" constantly fly out of your mouth?
Do you feel on edge or anxious daily?
Is kindness your personal motto?

Or do you know someone like this?

Some employees contribute their career success to pleasing people, but it doesn't come without a cost. Whether you are a people pleaser or know someone like this, understanding the inner workings of this tendency -- and healthier ways to advance without it -- can be powerful.

During this call Chelsea:

✅ Helps you understand how people pleasing might be holding you back in your career.

✅ Shares how stopping people pleasing can increase productivity and engagement, and enhance relationships at work.

✅ Suggests ways to reduce the desire to people please -- and propose what to do instead.

  • How to reframe how to look at time management

  • Ways to align work style to productivity

  • Strategies on how to gain time and energy

Navigating the Time Crunch: How to Prioritize Tasks and Time for Better Work and Home Life

This month, Cecilia taught Navigating the Time Crunch: How to prioritize tasks and time for better work and home life.

Most people are searching for a better balance between work and home obligations, especially as work volume and intensity continue to rise.

During this session, Cecilia shared better tools to help organize a workday, create a system for efficiency, and ideas on how to navigate the never-ending time crunch.

Key points:

  • How to reframe how to look at time management

  • Ways to align work style to productivity

  • Strategies on how to gain time and energy

Owning Your Career Progression - The Authentic Path to a Fulfilling Career

Chelsea will be teaching Owning Your Career Progression - The Authentic Path to a Fulfilling Career.

Ever feel stuck or off-track in your career progression? When we navigate our career without a map, dead ends and detours are easy to come by.

During this talk, Chelsea will share how to confidently progress in your career and gain fulfillment, even when there is no line for advancement in sight structurally.

You'll learn:

  • The 2 core paths to career progression

  • Building your unique career roadmap

  • Progression when there is no clear line to advancement

How Women Rise: Breaking The Habits That Hold You Back at Work

Cecilia will be teaching core lessons from the book , How Women Rise by Sally Helgesen and Marshell Goldsmith.

Together, we'll explore - Breaking The Habits That Hold You Back at Work.

Helgesen and Goldsmith developed a list of 12 habits that hold women back in their careers and in leadership roles, along with solutions to combat these unhelpful habits. In their climb to achieve professional success and establish their own worth in the workplace, women have been found to develop some habits that are preventing them from further strengthening their leadership skills.

On our training call, we'll dig into 3 habits and provide insights and tools to overcome them.

  1. Expecting others to notice and reward your work

  2. The Perfectionism Trap

  3. Minimizing (Physically & Verbally)


Setting Healthy Boundaries with Confidence

During this call Chelsea leads a conversation with guest Stacè Middlebrooks, M.A., PCCC, CBC, and The Chief Empowership Officer of Purpose Powered Coaching + Consulting.

Together, they explore - Setting Healthy Boundaries with Confidence.

Setting boundaries can be difficult, especially if we are not used to doing it. Many of us are socialized to be always accessible and available for our work, our families, our friends, and our communities.

However, that does not have to be our norm. Setting healthy boundaries can be our ticket to freedom from all of that.


Safe to Speak Up: Closing the Gap Between What You Feel and What You Say

At the intersection of psychological safety and personal motivation lies a space where silence can lurk. For many reasons, people are inclined to keep their feelings to themselves at work rather than risk speaking up to address the issues driving the feelings.

In this training call, Cecilia uncovered the reasons we withhold our thoughts and feelings at work and share strategies to build up our “upward voice.” When we feel safe and empowered to communicate and contribute more readily, our mental and physical well-being improves, as well as our ability to affect change and growth in our careers.

Boosting Positive Self-Talk with ANDY GRAMMER!

Do men suffer from negative self-talk too?

We get asked this question a lot. That’s why we’re thrilled to have Andy Grammer join us to discuss his anthem to self-love, Love Myself. This vulnerable track takes you on a powerful journey from self-criticism to self-kindness to the end result of self-love.

Can you relate to this at times?

“I can be mean in my mind
Beat myself up all the time with awful thoughts and
I can eat myself alive.”

If you’re like Cecilia and me, the answer is yes, especially over the last year.

During this call we explore this track’s meaning to Andy, the driving forces behind it, and the personal shifts that brought him to a place of self-love.

We recommend watching the full music video, even if you’ve seen it before. This video uniquely highlights a journey to self-love and is one of the best videos we’ve seen in a long time. Watch video here

Staying Balanced: Strategies to Thrive in A Constantly Changing World

Many of us are being faced with constant change as we navigate the volatile landscape of today’s times both personally and professionally. Whether it’s work-related shifts like going from remote to hybrid working, reorgs., and lost budgets or home-related shifts like relocations, illness and an increase in responsibility, staying balanced through it all can be challenging.

For many, predictability, stability and control have vanished along with all of these changes. A feeling of loss within these elements, coupled with abrupt shifts can easily rattle one’s energy, confidence, motivation and clarity, making everyday tasks feel more overwhelming and challenging than before.

During this call, Chelsea shared insights, tools and strategies to help you thrive through change as you navigate it with a greater sense of inner power and groundedness.