Back Pocket Confidence

Confidence is a key component of workplace success. When we feel confident, we present, speak, and act in ways that are most effective and make an impact. 
During this session, Chelsea Szabo, co-founder of Empowership, provided a mental model for confidence and powerful tools and insights to navigate that model to bring more workplace success. 

Teaching Points:

✅ What Confidence Really Is
✅ The 3 Types of Confidence
✅ Tips to Boost All 3 Types of Confidence

Success with Less Struggle with Meta's Neisha Tweed Bell

As Meta's Global Head of Inclusive Content and Experiences, Neisha Tweed Bell has achieved an enviable level of career success. Her accolade list is long - She’s been named a Woke Woman by Essence magazine, a Next Creative Leader by The One Club, and an ADCOLOR Leader - her rise up in the advertising industry is impressive.
During this session, Cecilia Gorman, co-founder of Empowership, interviewed Neisha not just about her success, but also about her struggles along the way. You’ll hear Neisha's definition of success and she'll take us through key career struggles that she faced and overcame. 

You’ll hear from Neisha about:

✅ Crafting a Personal Vision of Success
✅ What Struggle Does for Us and our Careers
✅ Tips to Help Us Rise Above Struggles at Work

Building the Most Impactful Yet Forgotten Leadership Skill: Patience

When working in fast-paced, high-demand workplaces, patient people can quickly flip to impatient. Yet, patience is often the key to connected work relationships, high performance, and overall success. 
During this monthly training call, Chelsea Szabo, co-founder of Empowership, deep-dives into harnessing the skill of patience. You’ll gain the insights, tools, and motivation needed to up the ante on your ability to tolerate delays, changes, surprises, and other patience-tested experiences faced at work. 

You’ll learn:

✅ Why we often lack patience and techniques to get more of it

✅ The difference between inner and outer patience 
✅ How patience can boost workplace performance, with tools you can utilize immediately

Find Your People: Creating Meaningful Connections

As our world becomes increasingly and instantly connected via technology, many people are also finding that feelings of isolation and loneliness are also rising. This may be true in our personal lives and also in the relationships we have at work.

In our February training call, Cecilia will share ideas from the book, “Find Your People” by Jennie Allen. From knowing where to look for deeper connections to knowing exactly how we move from acquaintance to being more strongly connected, this monthly session with help remind us all that work fulfillment often stems from the relationships we have with others.

You’ll learn:

✅ Why waiting for connection to find us isn’t working

✅ The circles of connection and how to develop stronger ties with others

✅ Action steps to help you curate and cultivate more meaningful connections in your life

EMPOWERSHIP Kick-Off + Fueling Momentum This Year

Empowership's 2023 Kick-off Call was Wednesday, January 25th. Attendees heard everything they need to know about this year's program - logistics, calls, and resources. We shared what's to come in Empowership in 2023, highlighting what's new or changed for both new folks and our returning members.

Then, Cecilia taught on Fueling Momentum This Year. What better time of year than January to learn ways to fuel action and momentum in your life and career?

Breaking Barriers to Communication

Barriers to communication can arise all throughout the workplace: between coworkers, in meetings, or with a boss or client. Societal stereotypes, assumed gender roles, and interpersonal differences can contribute to a communication gap in most any conversation. Recognizing the common barriers and having the insights and tools to overcome them is a great step towards improving communication at work.

In our December training call, Cecilia shared 3 barriers that may be limiting your communication ease and impact, plus provide ideas on how to best break down those hurdles at work.

You’ll learn:

✅ How internal wiring contributes to communication barriers

✅ Ways to audit communication to identify potential barriers

✅ Action steps to break through barriers and improve your communication impact

Unleashing Creativity at Work - For Everyone

The word "creative" has been used as an adjective for about 500 years and as a noun for around 200 years. The word "creator" (small c) has only been coined for 11 years (by Youtube).  Each generation has a stronger desire to be identified as creative - 1/3 of Boomers, 1/2 of Millenials, and 2/3 of GenZ.

During this call, Jing Herman, co-founder of 28Muses (learn more) — a company that stimulates team engagement and confidence through unique, live art workshops, shares: 

✅    The evolution of creativity and what recent shifts mean to the workplace 

✅    What “flow state” is, why it is important, and how to tap into it

✅     An interactive Chinese Calligraphy Activity

BONUS - You’ll also get to participate in one of 28Muses’ popular art activities – Invent Your Name in Chinese. During this short experience, you’ll use the transformational power of Chinese Calligraphy to reinforce your identity.

Additional links related to this month’s topic:

Psychology Today: How to Be More Creative

HBR: So, You Think You’re Not Creative

The UPSide of Failure with author Tiana Sanchez

In this interactive discussion, Tiana Sanchez, author of F’d Up: The UPSide of Failure shares how failure can be one of our greatest teachers if we embrace the power of its lessons. Especially now, in this changing work environment, being able to take risks and stretch our skills is critical - which potentially results in failure.

Tiana answered discussion questions and presented ways to impact our belief around failure and boost our resilience to grow from it.

Key Learning Points:
✅ What it takes to harvest a growth mindset
✅ What failure does for us
✅ A new way to look at defeat